Little Baby Ari is 8 Months old toady!
She has 8 teeth some fully grown in some in the works.
She grinds her teeth which we are trying to stop by squeezing her cheeks. :)
She is army crawling and can get to where she needs to.
She is baby talking all the time.
She says Babah which we think means bottle & Dadah which we think means daddy.
She is very aware of her surroundings if you leave the room she knows.
She is exploring more foods and holding teething crackers and eating them by herself.
She is so full of love and still wakes up oh so happy.
Oh & did I mention she likes to bite..hard! She pulled in my face and bit my nose a couple weeks ago, but how can you be mad when she smiles at you and has no idea what she did lol.
I Love Her More Than Words.