21, one of my favorite numbers. Why I am not sure maybe because my birthday is on the 21st or its just such a golden age and number.
Ari is amazing, she is repeating everything we say. Loves to jump, well try and jump. Her personality is very independent and feisty. She likes to stand in the shopping cart, high chair, anything that she isn't suppose to. Ari has to try and do everything herself or will throw a tantrum. She has a big heart and is very curious.
On a side note this month has been the hardest month in my entire life probably for reasons I won't say. I will say this though and I am not 100% confident that it is true but if it is whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger - I sure hope it does, unless I fall to pieces.
Ari is my reason for everything, the reason I wake up in the morning, go to work, strive to provide her the best life. If I could I would give her the world - and oh god how I mean that. I want and wish so much for her. I wish and pray that she has an amazing life full of love, laughter, and adventures.
My Dearest Ari,
Mommy loves you so much - never forget that.