My Dearest Ari,
Today you are Two years old and as much as I hate admitting when people are right they are 100% right, time flies. You are growing up right before my eyes and I am just loving the person you are becoming. I love that you love me so much, love to pull and shove your fingers in my ears, cuddle when its time to go to bed, steal my food, stand up the entire time I am giving you a bath, dance without a care in the world, throw things in the garbage, read books, watch the same movie over and over again, jump on the bed, go up and down stairs, push your own stroller, watch youtube videos, drink from straws, use your pacifier upside down, throw fits, share nektar bowls with me, wake up and find me just to pick you up, sweep with me, and just genuinely love life. Happy Birthday my little nugget can't wait to see what the future holds for us.
Love You Always
Your Mommy