The day we found out.
7:00 PMI had been feeling sick for weeks and my husband was out of town for work for a couple week due home today. I had ordered a pregnancy test on Amazon just in case, but I did not think I could become pregnant so fast as we just started trying in December. He was home from work and taking a shower and I couldn't wait any longer so I took one of the tests.
Directions say: Wait 3 minutes for results, 1 line not pregnant, 2 lines pregnant. Well . . . I was not even done peeing on the stick and BAM…YOUR PREGNANT! I told my husband who was excited as I was. My reaction..happy, crying, happy, shocked, hungry. :)
We went to dinner that night and the next day I went down hill…threw up and beyond sick :( made my doctors appointment for the following Tuesday where they confirmed my pregnancy with another test and scheduled an ultrasound for later that week due to my bad morning sickness so early they thought it may be twins! I was also prescribed medicine to help with the morning sickness..which may have just helped with the throwing up but not the nausea.
We feel so blessed to have gotten pregnant so fast as we know that is not always the case. Even though I am sick we are beyond excited and can't believe we are going to have our own little nugget due in September! :)