Boy or Girl...

9:00 PM

Today is the day we find out the gender!! I am excited but nervous at the same time. I have been dreaming about the ultrasound for the last 3 days its driving me crazy :). 

Back story on this is my husband and I both want a girl but I didn't want to be sad if it was not a girl which is a common thing in pregnancy called 'gender disappointment'  it sounds silly because at the end of the day all everyone wants is a healthy baby which is true. With that being said I have already convinced myself that it was boy just so I wouldn't be hoping it was one gender vs another. I also did this with the pregnancy  - I always thought what if I cant get pregnant? This is also another common thing women worry about but never know until they start trying.

Doctor appointment is at 5:30 today and at about 4:45 is when the nerves start to kick in. I think I just wanted everything to be good. Met my husband at the doctor's office and they start doing all the measurements of the baby everything looks great which is always good to hear. Only thing is I have a low laying placenta which they are going to watch and make sure it moves up in the next coming months. This could potentially cause an issue with natural delivery and would have to be schedule for a c section, but the tech told me not to be worried and that it should move it they will just have to check on it later.

Boy or Girl...

The moment of truth ---->>> & ---->>> it's a GIRL!!! 

We are so excited and I am just happy to give my husband his first girl I told him he has two of me now :)

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