3 Months :)

9:04 PM

Ari is officially 3 months old today!

She is such a beautiful little girl with so much personality! She is baby talking all the time and loves to be awake and be involved. She would much rather stand then lay down. She has discovered her hands and is very fascinated by them and currently has them in her mouth as I type this. I am always singing to her and she loves it by far my biggest fan. I believe she is getting the concept of night and day. She sleeps longer at night but I am still waking up every 3-4 hours which isn't that bad anymore. That is probably one thing I didn't realize when I had her that I would never sleep again, lol oh well its totally worth it when she glances over at me at 3 am with that smile on her face because she wants to play. Lets see what else... oh her eyelashes have gotten so long and they have a natural curl which I adore. She is just the best thing ever and I am beyond sad to be going back to work officially at the beginning of January. My main plan is try and come up with something that I can do from home I just truly don't want to miss these precious moments with her. 

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