1:29 PM
17 MONTHS ☺️ 2/26/16
Our sweet baby girl is 17 Months today, she is a little fireball and I can't get enough kisses and snuggles from her. I love this month because of Valentines Day & my birthday, I turned 30 last week and can't believe how fast time has gone. I celebrated with my two favorite people in this entire world, Ari and Ryan. It was by far one of the best birthdays ever.
She's adventurous loves to stand on her toys, pull the DVD's off the shelves and step on them, play with the tupperware and pots and pans, she can reach and grab things off the counter now, she loves to turn on and off the light switches, push the garage door button and door bell, obsessed with touching our ears, and grabbing her squeeze packets all by her self and shutting the drawer and she also likes to close the refrigerator door when it's open ☺️ Likes to throw things in the toilet (SMH). She is also trying to jump it's the cutest thing ever! Pretty sure she says 'all done' now and does sign language for 'more' and 'finished' with her food.
Loves squeeze packets, animal crackers, tortilla chips, cheese, bananas, oranges, hummus & carrots, PB & apples, and bread.
Dancing, Elmo, Sesame Street, Eating, To be held all the time, Kisses.