9:48 AM

Her way or the highway!

This has been Ari's most independent month yet!
She loves to eat her food with a utensil and is pretty good at it most of the time.
I am constantly realizing she loves to try new foods and doesn't surprise me on the things she likes to eat.
She gives legit Kisses now and Hugs.
She is very aware of things and when I tell her to do something she does (most of the time) if we take something away from her that she is playing with she will throw a crying fit and throw herself on the floor.
She is climbing on more and more things every day and is super adventurous.
Her favorite word is NO when she doesn't want something or to do something she says NO and shakes her head - its so cute most of the time lol.
When it comes time to sleep Daddy tells her Night Night and if she's ready she will repeat it if not than yup you guessed it, *No* haha.
She LOVES Mickey Mouse club house and anything Minnie.
She knows where all her body parts are, how to turn around, jump, sit down, and so much more!
She moves her arms in a circle when singing the Wheels on the Bus go round and round...Loves the itsy bitsy spider song, ABC, and gets so excited when we sing them to her.
Last but not least still stuck on the pacifier.

All and all she is a little spit fire and we are just so in LOVE with her more and more everyday.

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