My baby girl is 9 Months!
11:57 AM
Oh baby!
Clapping her hands.
Gives high fives…sometimes.
Loves twinkle twinkle little star & Patty Cake.
Pulling herself up on everything.
Can't sit still.
Loves all food.
Starting using a sippy cup for water.
Mastered crawling and is fast!
Got her first pair of Jelly's.
Loves kisses and hugs.
Prefer to be held than laying down.
Loves to put our iphones ipad remote and anything else expensive in her mouth.
Has 8 teeth and is still teething.
Loves facetime.
She wishes she could walk ;)
Wakes us up by picking my nose kicking me poking my face and always does it with a smile so its okay. :)
Our baby girl is growing up so fast and is so much fun we just love her to pieces!