Ten Months Already?!
12:30 AM
Hello World I am officially 10 Months Old Today!
She loves to bite me the other day she bit my ankle! True Story :p
Anytime you eat anything she gives you the death stare and if you give her any its over you're going to have to feed her until its gone or you put it away or she starts to throw a tantrum.
First thing she does in the morning is wake up roll over and climb up on the bed headboard and yes she even bites that sometimes lol.
She is a very fast crawler and pulls herself up on everything.
She does not like getting her diaper changed she always is rolling over mid change which makes it a bit difficult as you can imagine!
She has the biggest brownest eyes that just light up when she sees her mommy or daddy.
Loves Patty Cake and learned how to clap.
This past month she got her first fever and ear infection it was horrible poor thing all she wanted to do was sleep and hold me like 24/7 I am just glad she is better and back to her crazy self. :)
Barely sits still for photos and always on the go.
She's a Wild One but oh how we love her!