11 MONTHS!!!
8:57 AM
Firstly I can't believe Ari will be 1 next month!
She took her first step August 17th, just one :), she also just stands on her own and plops down on her bottom.
She says a lot of repeat words but nothing repeatedly except for on August 23rd Ryan said Uh-oh and she repeated it and he said it again and she did again and again! So its official her first word is Uh-oh. :)
She loves to pinch me anywhere my neck my collar bone my armpit my stomach leg face cheek.
She seriously has the best laugh and loves it when I kiss her thigh rolls!
She loves to crawl FAST I can't keep her still she is always on the go!
She loves to Dance to rap music, we don't know what the song is called but Lil Wayne sings it and she just loves it I am almost ashamed to admit that lol but seriously its the cutest.
She loves to play with her toys, but loves everything else more example - the remote control, my iPhone, my laptop, oh you know anything expensive.
She loves fruit, Watermelon and Oranges are her favorite.
She is not a fan of being confined aka the play pen its a love hate relationship.
She loves to sleep in strange positions, for example with her legs in the split position, one leg up one leg down, half on daddy half on me, sideways between us, on her side in a twisted position basically anything that is not flat. :)
She is pretty much an amazing human bean. <3